The Boca Raton Airport
This is a public use general aviation airport covering approximately 200 acres, it is located in South Palm Beach County, adjacent to interstate 95 near the Glades Road exit. Locals and tourists utilise the airport and its services for both business and pleasure.
The airport itself is base for approximately 220 single and multi-engine piston powered aircraft, 18 turbo prop aircraft and 43 turbo jets owned and operated by our local residents and corporations.
Directions: From I-95 take the Glades Road Exit; off the Exit turn east approximately 1/8 mile to Airport Rd.; then Turn left on Airport Road to the four story pink "Boca Aviation" building. Parking is free.
The Boca Raton Airport Authority office is located at:
3700 Airport Road
Suite 304
Boca Raton
Florida 33431
Phone: 561 391 2202
Fax: 561 391 2238.